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Friday, May 18, 2012

Brushing Teeth - Which Way Is The Right Way?

Twenty five percent of teenagers in Sweden do not brush their teeth regularly and only 10% of Swedes know how to use toothpaste effectively, according to researchers at the Sahlgrenska Academy, University of Gothenburg.Even though the majority of people in Sweden brush their teeth, only 1 in 10 brush in a way that effectively prevents tooth decay. 

Pia Gabre and her colleagues examined the toothbrushing habits of 2,013 Swedes aged between 15 to 80 years old. The researchers set out to determine how often and how long they brushed their teeth, how much toothpaste is put on the toothbrush, how often fluoride toothpaste is used and how much water is used during and after brushing.
Although fluoride toothpaste was found to be the most popular, only a few know how the toothpaste should be used, how to brush effectively and how fluoride prevents tooth decay - with 1 in 4 Swedes believing that fluoride is to keep the mouth fresh.
Even though 80% of the study popularity reported that they were happy with how the take care of their teeth, the researchers found that over 70% of adults did not know the best way to use toothpaste, and that 55-75% rinse with water after brushing. The best tooth-brushers were women under the age of 35.
Gabre explained:
"Swedes generally do brush their teeth, but mostly because of social norms and to feel fresh rather than to prevent tooth decay.
Most of the interviewed subjects learned to brush their teeth as children, by their parents. Even if they have been informed about more effective techniques later in life, they continue to brush their teeth like they always have."
According to the researchers, Swedes could significantly improve their oral health by learning how to effectively use fluoride toothpaste. In addition, knowledge about brushing teeth effectively must be improved and be clear and easy to understand.
The researchers highlight that individuals should:
Brush their teeth at least twice a day with toothpaste - after breakfast and before bedtime
Use toothpaste with more fluoride if cavities occur often
Avoid rinsing with water after brushing

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

ما معنى KFC؟

هي اختصار

لـ Kentucky Fried Chicken 

أي دجاج كنتاكي المقلي. 

وكنتاكي هو اسم الولاية التي بدأ منها 

مؤسس السلسة ساندرز Sanders

وقد افتتح أول مطعم له في محطة وقود في تلك الولاية.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Nanocrystals Make Dentures Shine!!

Nanocrystals Make Dentures Shine

The hardest substance in the human body is moved by its strongest muscles: When we heartily bite into an apple or a schnitzel, enormous strengths are working on the surface of our teeth. "What the natural tooth enamel has to endure also goes for dentures, inlays or bridges", glass chemist Prof. Dr. Dr. Christian Russel of the Friedrich Schiller University Jena (Germany) says. After all, these are worn as much as healthy teeth. Ceramic materials used so far are not very suitable for bridges, as their strengths are mostly not high enough. Now Prof. Russel and his colleagues of the Otto-Schott-Institute for Glass Chemistry succeeded in producing a new kind of glass ceramic with a nanocrystalline structure, which seems to be well suited to be used in dentistry due to their high strength and its optical characteristics. The glass chemists of Jena University recently published their research results in the online-edition of the science magazine Journal of Biomedical Materials Research (doi: 10.1002/jbm.b.31972).

Glass-ceramics on the basis of magnesium-, aluminium-, and silicon oxide are distinguished by their enormous strength. "We achieve a strength five times higher than with comparable denture ceramics available today", Prof. Rüssel explains. The Jena glass chemists have been working for a while on high density ceramics, but so far only for utilisation in other fields, for instance as the basis of new efficient computer hard drives. "In combination with new optical characteristics an additional field of application is opening up for these materials in dentistry", Prof. Rüssel is convinced.

Materials, to be considered as dentures are not supposed to be optically different from natural teeth. At the same time not only the right colour shade is important. "The enamel is partly translucent, which the ceramic is also supposed to be", Prof. Rüssel says.

To achieve these characteristics, the glass-ceramics are produced according to an exactly specified temperature scheme: First of all the basic materials are melted at about 1.500 °C, then cooled down and finely cut up. Then the glass is melted again and cooled down again. Finally, nanocrystals are generated by controlled heating to about 1,000 °C. "This procedure determines the crystallisation crucial for the strength of the product", the glass chemist Rüssel explains. But this was a technical tightrope walk. Because a too strongly crystallised material disperses the light, becomes opaque and looks like plaster. The secret of the Jena glass ceramic lies in its consistence of nanocrystals. The size of these is at most 100 nanometers in general. "They are too small to strongly disperse light and therefore the ceramic looks translucent, like a natural tooth", Prof. Rüssel says.

A lot of developing work is necessary until the materials from the Jena Otto-Schott-Institute will be able to be used as dentures. But the groundwork is done. Prof. Rüssel is sure of it. 



Let's say it's 6.15pm and you're going home (alone of course), after an unusually hard day on the job. You're really tired, upset and frustrated. Suddenly you start experiencing severe pain in your chest that starts to drag out into your arm and up into your jaw. You are only about five miles from the hospital nearest your home. Unfortunately you don't know if you'll be able to make it that far. You have been trained in CPR, but the guy that taught the course did not tell you how to perform it on yourself..!!


Since many people are alone when they suffer a heart attack, without help, the person whose heart is beating improperly and who begins to feel faint, has only about 10 seconds left before losing consciousness.
However, these victims can help themselves by coughing repeatedly and very vigorously.
A deep breath should be taken before each cough, and the cough must be deep and prolonged, as when producing sputum from deep inside the chest. A breath and a cough must be repeated about every two seconds without let-up until help arrives, or until the heart is felt to be beating normally again.
Deep breaths get oxygen into the lungs and coughing movements squeeze the heart and keep the blood circulating. The squeezing pressure on the heart also helps it regain normal rhythm. In this way, heart attack victims can get to a hospital. Tell as many other people as possible about this. It could save their lives!!
i will say If everyone who gets this broadcast sends it to 10 people, you can bet that we'll save at least one life.

Your child’s growing smile

Your child’s growing smile

Even before you can see them, your child’s teeth have begun to form under the gingivae (gums). As early as six months after your baby is born, you may begin to see the first teeth erupt. And that’s just the
start of a lifelong smile.

The first set of teeth, called “primary” teeth (often referred to as “baby” teeth), are important and should be cared for. These teeth not only help your baby chew and eventually speak, but also they help the jaw develop and save room for the permanent teeth, which start to come in at about the age of 6 or 7 years. Because the gums can become sore as the teeth are coming into place, your baby may be uncomfortable and fussy. You might try rubbing the gums gently with your finger or giving the baby a cool teething ring on which to chew.
ADA advises that products containing benzocaine should not be used for children younger than 2 years except under the advice and supervision of a health care professional.) Talk with your dentist about other ways
to make your child more comfortable. As with adult teeth and gums, your baby’s teeth and gums should be cleaned. To familiarize your baby with this, wipe his or her gums with a moist, soft cloth or piece of gauze after every meal. As soon as the first tooth comes into place, start brushing with a soft-bristle toothbrush designed for babies. Use water rather than a fluoride toothpaste for children younger than 2 years, unless a health care professional recommends fluoride. Once the child is able to spit, he or she may be ready to brush his or her own teeth by using a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste while you supervise. Have the
child spit out the toothpaste. Caries (tooth decay) can develop in a baby’s teeth. For this reason, you should limit the time during which teeth are exposed to drinks containing sugar—such as juice, formula or
even milk—which can encourage caries development. Never put your child to bed with a bottle or “sippy” cup containing these liquids. Likewise, don’t dip your child’s pacifier in honey  or any other sweetener.
The American Dental Association recommends that you bring your baby to the dentist after the first tooth comes in and no later than the child’s first birthday. This is known as a “well-baby checkup.” It allows your dentist to check for tooth decay and other things that may affect the teeth, including habits such as thumb
sucking. He or she also can show you how to clean your baby’s teeth properly.

The permanent teeth should start erupting when your child is 6 or 7 years old and will continue to erupt throughout the teenage years and possibly even during early adult years. Brushing twice a day with a fluoride-containing toothpaste and cleaning between the teeth once daily with floss or another interdental cleaner will be important habits to adopt. Limiting snacks and sugary foods and drinks also will go a long way toward keeping the teeth healthy.  Regular dental checkups are essential. They enable your dentist to identify problems, such as caries, and begin treatment as soon as possible. They also allow for professional cleanings and fluoride applications that will keep the teeth strong. Your dentist may apply dental sealants to the chewing surfaces of your child’s back teeth to offer further protection against caries. These chewing surfaces have deep pits and grooves in which food and plaque can build up and destroy the enamel surface of your child’s teeth. Caring for your child’s mouth, even before you can see his or her teeth, is key to good oral health. Talk with your dentist about ways to give your child a healthy smile for life.

لماذا يزيد وزن بعض الرجال بعد الزواج؟

لماذا يزيد وزن بعض الرجال بعد الزواج؟

هناك عدة أسباب،
اولها العامل النفسي
حيث يشعر الرجل بعد الزواج بالاستقرار العاطفي والنفسي،
 كذلك تغير عادات الأكل لديه،
حيث يبدأ بالإنتظام بمواعيد وجبات الطعام على عكس حياته كعزابي كما تقل حركته لجلوسه في البيت اكثر.

لماذا تتجعد الأصابع في الحمام عندما يطول وضعها بالماء؟

لماذا تتجعد الأصابع في الحمام عندما يطول وضعها بالماء؟

هذا السؤال يسأله الأطفال ...
و لكن قليل من الامهات تعلم الاجابة و هي :
يغطي البشرة زيت طبيعي اسمه الدهن القلفي .
هذا الدهن يحفظ نعومة الجلد عن طريق حبس الرطوبة به و منع خروج السوائل منه فيجف ، و اذا ابقينا ايدينا في الماء يتم غسل الدهن اي إزالته فيتجعد الجلد بمجرد أن تبتعد عن الماء بعض الوقت يفرز الدهن من جديد و يعود الجلد الى حالته الطبيعية
 فسبحان من خلقنا في أحسن تقويم و سبحان من خلق كل شيئ بقدر

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